Analyzing A First Bank Scam Email

Possibly the same bunch of never-do-wells behind the GTBank scam email that I published on this site last week are also behind the First Bank scam email I received last week – reproduced below.

However, this scam mail is a little less sophisticated than the previous.

My comments, in red, details the red flags you should look out for in any correspondence from your bank;

From: First Online <[email protected]> Email originates from a non-First Bank domain address.( SCAM ALERT!!!! More sophisticated scammers may send email purportedly originating from a First Bank email account using a technique called Email Spoofing.
To: Recipients <[email protected]> Email was BCC to me. SCAM EMAIL CONFIRMED. Bank mails are sent directly and personally to each recipient.
Sent: Monday, 11 April 2016, 7:01
Subject: First Online New Monthly Debit
Missing Salutation. FBN has a tradition of addressing their mails directly to their customers, with your account number in brackets. “Dear XXXX, XXXXXXX (333XXX3333)”

According to our records, you registered for our FirstOnline Customer Digest monthly bulletin and this comes with a monthly charge of N15,050:00., we would like to ask you to confirm this request Hyperlink masks a URL not on any First Bank internet domain, . The link further redirects to another URL that hosts a cloned version of First Bank Internet banking platform you wish to reject the registration request, follow the cancel reference below  URL masks malicious site hosting a cloned version of First Bank Internet bankingYou would have to confirm you are an active account holder with us by following the procedures from your First Bank account.

Thank you for choosing First Bank


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