Awesome Keyboard ReMapper (Clavier+)

As a sequel to my earlier post Increase Your Typing Speed,  I would like to bring to our attention a wonderfuland FREE application called Clavier+.

The program is designed for the Windows Operating System. it offers “set-it-and-forget-it autostart functionality. Of course there are numerous keyboard-remapping applications. But this one caught my attention due to its flexibility, versatility, ease-of-use and most importantly, it is free !!!.

One of the repititive activities we carry out on our desktop computers is the lauching of applications. You have the option of either placing shortcuts on your desktop (clutter/litter, ouch!). Taking this path entails your visually scanning for the right shortcut. If you have numerous shortcuts on the desktop, this may be a time-wasting exercise. You can alternatively make use of applications like Appetizer, ObjectDockor, 8Start or Launchy Launchy but if you prefer an application that allows you to assign practically limitless combination of keys to folders, applications try Clavier+. You can not go wrong with this app. You want a macro-like functionality? Clavier+ even allows you to assignment a series of text to any shortcut youu define. Pressing Ctrl+Enter may type out a standard series of text you use often – for example

Imagine typing Ctrl + “W” on the keyboard, and MicroSoft Word opens up instantly out of the blues or you type Ctrl + <SpaceBar> and it types out

We hope this will market the beginning of a mutually beneficial business relationship between us.

Expecting  to hear from you very soon.

Yours sincerely….black  bla  bla”

You get the picture ?

It was mentioned that the keyboard combination you can use are virtually unlimited. However, it is a good idea to avoid

certain shortcuts that have being reserved by your Operating System . Some examples are: Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V. You

are also bettter off using the “Shift” + any alphabet instead of the “Control” (CTRL) key . You can make use of the CTRL, Alt and other key combinations that will not conflict with these reserved key combinations.

By using an application like Clavier+ in conjunction with turbo type, your productivity will soar as you no longer spend time searching or looking for applications.

The program supports English, French, Deutsch and Brazillian Portugese

Some of my shortcuts are:

Alt + C            Command       "C:DocumentsImportan-tAppsPortableAppsSpeedCrunchPortableSpeedCrunchPortable.exe"
Alt + V            Command       "C:DocumentsImportan-tAppsPortableAppsVLCPortableVLCPortable.exe"
Ctrl + Space       Command       "C:DocumentsImportan-tAppsPortableAppsEverythingExplorer++Explorer++.exe"
Ctrl + A           Command       "C:Program FilesMetaTrader - Alpari UKterminal.exe"
Ctrl + E           Command       "C:DocumentsImportan-tAppsPortableAppsEverythingEverything.exe"
Ctrl + F           Command       C:DocumentsF-O-R-E-X
Ctrl + K           Command       "C:Program FilesCCleanerCCleaner.exe"
Ctrl + N           Command       notepad.exe
Ctrl + P           Command       "C:Program FilesNokiaNokia PC Suite 7PCSuite.exe"
Ctrl + Q           Command       "C:Program FilesGoogleChromeApplicationchrome.exe"
Ctrl + T           Command       "C:Program FilesTurbo Type[Free]TurboType.exe"
Ctrl + U           Command       "C:Program FilesJAM SoftwareUltraSearchUltraSearch.exe"
Ctrl + W           Command       "C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeOffice12WINWORD.EXE"
Ctrl + X           Command       "C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeOffice12EXCEL.EXE"
Ctrl + Z           Command       "C:Program FilesWinRARWinRAR.exe"

To help me remember the shortcuts I have defined (easily), you will notice I generally use the firs letter of the application name (except where there is an already defined shortcut.)

I suggest you use any method that works for you,

You can download this program from

Give this program a shot. The benefits you derive from it are only limited by your imagination.

Set that imagination free.


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