Design Your Own BlackBerry Themes

There is an almost inexhaustible supply of blackberry themes on the internet. I have come across very cool looking ones and of course, trashy ones too. However, very few of these can be considered to be functional or perfectly suited to ones personal needs. Personally, I like my themes to be able to give me…

Beauty Or The Beast?

In the first part of this post, i started the chronicling of my activities in the search of a replacement for my iPad tablet. The iPad still remains the most widely accepted tablet because of its popularity, perceived status symbol and, well, fashion accessory. For the serious minded geeks out there, it is becoming increasingly…

How To Back Up Blackberry 3rd Party Applications

Many of you have had reasons to upgrade your Blackberry device OS or restore to factory settings. No doubt, by doing this it may solve your blackberry's issue, but of course, you will lose all your data. Even though you can use the Backup and Restore function of your Desktop Manager (provided you have the…

Recent Major Blackberry Outages

Research In Motion (RIM) announced recently that its worst BlackBerry service outage in company history is now over. In light of this event, we have thrown together a quick timeline of the worst BlackBerry outages in recent times with a quick breakdown of each. In chronological order, starting in the spring of 2007.... 1) April…

The Search Continues…

Lately, i have written very little about Apple products and the developments in the company; IOS 5, iPhone 4s and all. It is intentional. Let's just say my romance with Apple products died with Steve Jobs. Not that either events had anything to do with the other though, however I am about moving on. I…

Blackberry Blues

As a very late adopter of RIM's Blackberry services, I was just settling down to get high on the proverbial "Crackberry". Alas, this is not going to be and already, buyer's remorse is already setting in. It started out with the usual delay in getting the BIS service enabled on my ergonomically friendly albeit cheap…

Blackberry Secret Codes

Blackberry secret codes for hidden menus work a bit differently to all other manufacturers since you don't use the *#code# sequence but rather activate most of the codes by holding the ALT key. As always it is right to point out that these are not some magic Blackberry hacks just the codes to access the…

The Future Of Apple Without Steve Jobs

The Passing away of former Apple CEO, Steve Jobs, on October 5, 2011 came as a shock to many. He passed away too young and undoubtedly with plenty of innovative ideas. Like they say, "The Good Die Young". Jobs' imprint and influence on Apple will remain for years. However, his management team can no longer…

The Kindle Fire Vs iPad 2

The following article was published in Gizmodo and, expectedly, my response to it is very predictable. Why would i want to settle for less? It is quite obvious to many that the iPad 2 that the Kindle Fire is being compared to is still lacking in features. Let's face it, what everyone (unconsciously) hopes for…

Berry Blast!

When I first read the official announcement of the Blackberry Playbook back in 2010 I said to myself: great, finally a tablet to take on the iPad. But that was more than six months before the actual retail debut. In the meanwhile Apple released the iPad 2 and we’ve also seen a bunch of good…

Windows 8 – Radically Different!

Many would say that Android devices have done very little in upsetting the supremacy of the iPad as the flagship Tablet device. But let's face it, have they even done anything at all? Is Android the Messiah we are waiting for or is there another yet to come? After a very brief romance with Android,…

iPad App Review – Zinio

A new month comes with excitement and, usually, with a lot of expectations. Expectations of a better tomorrow, a tonic that keeps most of us going. A new month also brings with it a flood of new magazine subscriptions, something i passionately look forward to. Thanks to the iPad Zinio app, i get all my…