iOS 4.3.3. jailbroken

iOS 4.3.3 jailbrokenUsually when a new version of iOS is out, people have to wait weeks, or at the very least a few days for before they can update their jailbroken device. But it looks like that’s not the case with iOS 4.3.3. The recently released iOS 4.3.3, which fixes the location tracking bugs, has been confirmed to be jailbroken. Apparently the exploit that was used to jailbreak iOS 4.3.2 hasn’t been fixed yet, hence the quick release of this version’s jailbreak.

Take note that it is a tethered jailbreak – meaning you’ll need to reboot your phone by using your computer if you use this jailbreak. Head over to redsn0w’s website to grab the jailbreak or Redmond Pie for more information on how to jailbreak your phone. As usual, remember to back up your files just in case anything goes wrong.

iOS 4.3.3. jailbroken, By Ubergizmo. Top Stories : Galaxy Tab 8.9 Preview, Galaxy Tab Review,

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