At home, i have a WIFI network of about 7 devices (PCs and Mobile devices). This allow me to share scarce internet resources and peripherals between them.
My Android HTC TyTn II, for some reasons, thrives better in an unsecured WIFI network as it seems to have issues with WPA wireless security. Most times, i do leave my WIFI open using only MAC address filtering as the means of warding off intrusion. Unfortunately, this is not fool proof.
IP SCANNER is a network tool available on the iPad. I liken the app to a Police patrol car sweeping the streets at intervals, searching for miscreants. The app scans your network for connected devices, listing their IP addresses (I use static IP addressing for easy administration), MAC addresses and the name of the device. That way, you can easily detect any device that shouldn’t be part of your network.
This app allocates a US mobile number to your iPad with which you can send and receive unlimited text messages to mobile numbers in Nigeria and a bunch of other countries. Another app is TEXTFREE WITH VOICE which was designed for the iphone or ipod touch but works very well on the iPad. You can make calls to only US numbers, but you can also receive calls with the US number you were allocated with by Textfree . This is definitely a “must-have” app.
The iPad does not have a file manager (like windows explorer) but a lot of apps have been trying to fill this gap, to a limited extent.
Dropbox allows you to sync files on your devices (PC, ipad, android devices, etc) with an online drive. That way, you always have your important documents with you. However, the GoodReader ($4.99) app is a much better alternative as it has the Dropbox and a host of other WIFI and internet drive access compability incorporated into it.
Itunes has a functionality called HOME SHARING that enables you to stream audio and video files from your PC to your IOS devices (iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch) within your network but these media files must be compatible with your device. Filebrowser goes a step further by allowing you to stream some files that, ordinarily, are not compatible with your device. This is aside from its primary function of enabling you to browse through PC shared drives on your network.
Zinio allows you access to a wide array of top magazines from around the world, in pure digital form and at a cheaper rate than the print version.
Newspapers from all over the world on your iPad for only $0.99 per newspaper daily. Unfortunately, the only Nigerian Newspaper available is Business Day.
Probably the best facebook app available on the ipad.
Fastest, most cost-efficient web-browsing experience for your iOS device today.
Unfortunately, blogging on the ipad is still basic, at best. This official wordpress app is available for free on itunes but there is no easy way to type your blog .WYSIWYG is not available, you would need some knowledge of html coding to get by. Sorry, this is the best there is for now. Sad.
Of course, i am not giving you any guarantee that my recommendations would effectively suit everyone’s purposes but i am sure it will definitely fill some gaps.
One thing is however very sure, for you to make effective use of your ipad, you will need to have some form of subscription for internet access, it is very unavoidable.