“Peaceful Journey” – A Tribute To Heavy D (1967-2011)

For many of us that lived our teenage years in the 1990s, the music of this era had a very profound influence.

Coming from the New Jack Swing era of the late 80s, the early 1990s redefined the hip hop landscape and probably set the trends for music as it is today.

Notable artistes of this era included Heavy D, born Dwight Errington Myers in 1967 to a Jamaican family. He became known as one of the sexiest men in rap despite—or even because of—his 300-pound stature; and, most significantly, he infused his own hip-hop with rhythm and blues and encouraged established rhythm and blues artists to begin including rap sounds in their music. His experimentation with rap and contemporary R&B made his music palatable even to conservative listeners.

Also, Heavy D with other artistes like LL Cool J, taught us to appreciate that rap music was more than just “gangsta rap” as preached then by 2pac, Biggie and their crew.

Though his popularity witnessed a steady decline from the late 1990s onwards, he would forever be remembered for his deliberate attempt to support the other potentials of hip-hop—the artistry, the integrity, and the empowerment for African-American youths that may be achievable without violence.

“You are on my mind,
And I wish you a peaceful journey,
Brother I hope you hear me

“Peaceful Journey” – Heavy D (1991)


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