Open Source Softwares As An Alternative For Small Businesses

Is it safe to use? How secured is it? Are there quality softwares? These are some of the common questions asked by small scale business owners when they are faced with decisions to adopt open source solutions that could make their day-to-day operations more efficient. For many entrepreneurs without any IT background (but a sharp…

Xbox Music – Free Unlimited Music Downloads

One of my favourite apps available on Windows 8.1 OS is the Xbox music. This service was introduced with Windows 8 at launch in 2012 but for some reasons, it was not available to Nigerian card holders. However, the gates have now been flung open to just about anyone that cares. The business model for…

How Free Apps Can Make More Money Than Paid Apps

While building apps for Apple and Android app stores can be highly lucrative ventures for developers, one of the hardest decisions an app developer has to make is how to get the app to pay for itself. Often the “monetization strategy” — shorthand for “how will this app make money?” — is left for last.…

The Death Of The Smartphone

Smartphones and tablets might be the current hot technology, but history says it’s all just another fad. Twenty years from now, almost nobody will own either device. Seems unbelievable, but the same technology that makes them hot today will make them not tomorrow. If this sounds ridiculous, consider what happened to another “must-have” technology that…

The Sins Of Ubuntu

Canonical Ltd., the company behind Ubuntu Linux, estimates that the product has over 12 million users worldwide. And why not? Ubuntu is free and it runs more than ten thousand applications. It has a vibrant user community, websites covering everything you might ever need to know, good tutorials, a paid support option, and more. Yet…

Happy 20th Anniversary, Linux

Around this time twenty years ago, Linux Torvalds, a Computer Science Student started developing an Operating System to run on his newly acquired computer. His major motivation was the fact that the OS it came with greatly underutilized its capabilities. After going at it for a while, he realized that his pet project could actually…

How Safe is your Business?

Just how safe is that business model of yours? For how long will your business be a going concern?  This question is especially pertinent in the technology world. The threat of the big names muzzling or stifling the smaller companies out of business is becoming a very clear and present danger. They seem to be…