Another Problem With Porn : RANSOMWARE

So a friend of a friend was watching porn online and contracted a nasty virus. No, not that kind of virus—we’re talking about ransomware. The malware often announces itself in a pop-up and (wrongly) informs a computer user that their machine has been commandeered by law enforcement for illegal activity. It will not be unlocked,…

The Difference Between Malware, Virus, Rootkits, Spyware, Worm and Trojans

One of the classic primary signs that a computer has been infected is that it suddenly becomes much less responsive than normal. This usually continues after rebooting the computer as the malicious software begins running again and using system resources. Applications that monitor system resources (such as the Windows Task Manager) of the computer may…

Nigeria Ranked Second In The World For Software Piracy

THERE seems to be no end yet in the war against software piracy in Nigeria, as the country has been ranked second highest in a recent 32-country study of Personal Computer (PC) pirated software users. The latest study conducted by a global firm, Ipsos Public Affairs department of Business Software Alliance (BSA), on users’ acts…

Opensource: The cure to Software Piracy

Software Piracy, as defined by Wikipedia refers to several practices which involve the unauthorized copying of computer software. There is an unspoken consensus, especially in this part of the world, regarding Software Piracy. For computer users to be productive, certain tools must be present on their computers. This includes, but is not restricted to, an…