Apple App Store Now Available In Nigeria
Apple has expanded the Mac and iOS App Stores to reach another 33 countries, most of them in the Caribbean region, along with a few in Africa, the Mediterranean region and elsewhere. In addition to helping expand iOS device and Mac sales in those regions, the move will also make the iCloud service available to…
Spot and Avoid Facebook Scams
"THERE’S A SUCKER born every minute.” That quotation, widely attributed to P.T. Barnum, originally referred to deceptive carnival sideshow attractions, but it’s just as relevant to online scams—in particular, Facebook scams—today. None of the common Facebook frauds—the “Facebook dislike button,” the “stalker tracker” (which purports to tell you who’s visiting your profile), and “watch this…
Protect Your Data From the Breach Epidemic
Sony’s recent data breach got all the headlines, but such attacks aren’t rare. Here’s how to protect yourself and your data from them. IN 2011 ALONE, tens of millions of users have had personal information exposed or put at risk in some way by data breaches at Epsilon, RSA Security, the state of Texas, Ashampoo,…