How To Set Up A Budget Home Entertainment Network

For many, the word "server" brings to mind an intimidating stack of unidentifiable devices with endless flashes of light. But in reality, a server can be that very basic featured, very old laptop or desktop computer you have gathering dust in a corner of your home. Wikipaedia defines a Home Server as a server located…

Android’s Killer Feature

It is no secret that Android has lots of good stuff going for it, but one of the platform's most useful and distinguishing features is one you rarely hear discussed. I'm talking about Android's system-wide sharing capability -- a process built into the operating system that many people take for granted. Android's sharing function may…

Create Free Websites Using Your Dropbox Account

Owning a website is the norm nowadays. Whether to showcase yourself or your product, most people seem to have a reason (or more!) to own one. However, not many are willing to pay for this service. If you are among this category of penny pinchers, you are in luck. I know just what you need -…

How To Secure Your WordPress Blog – Part 3

The listed combination of plugins are recommended to make your Wordpress blog more secure. The individual plugins may not be the best available, but the combination works very well for your site. Word of caution here. My recommendations are based on the following assumptions: - That what you have is a fresh wordpress installation. This…

Find Digital Copies of Your User Guides

NEED THE INSTRUCTION guide for your laptop? Unless you’re one of those freakishly organized types, I’ll bet you have no idea where it is. And even if you do know its location, fetching it probably involves a visit to the attic or basement, digging through boxes, and so on. What a hassle. Why not keep…

How to Install WordPress From Your iPad

WordPress and iPad are two pretty significant things in my life right now. Recently I bought my very first iPad and, inbetween playing World of Goo, making music on my Korg, and buying apps, I’ve been trying to figure out if I can replace my laptop with my iPad so it can be my number…

iPad – More Recommended Apps

At home, i have a WIFI network of about 7 devices (PCs and Mobile devices). This allow me to share scarce internet resources and peripherals between them. My Android HTC TyTn II, for some reasons, thrives better in an unsecured WIFI network as it seems to have issues with WPA wireless security. Most times, i…