Recent Major Blackberry Outages

Research In Motion (RIM) announced recently that its worst BlackBerry service outage in company history is now over. In light of this event, we have thrown together a quick timeline of the worst BlackBerry outages in recent times with a quick breakdown of each. In chronological order, starting in the spring of 2007.... 1) April…

Blackberry Secret Codes

Blackberry secret codes for hidden menus work a bit differently to all other manufacturers since you don't use the *#code# sequence but rather activate most of the codes by holding the ALT key. As always it is right to point out that these are not some magic Blackberry hacks just the codes to access the…

Why You Need A Blog

What Is A Blog? It’s quite clear that if you want to make money on the Internet and want to increase the Search Engine Optimisation (S.E.O) of your website then, without question, you absolutely, 1000%, NEED A BLOG! 77% of Internet users read blogs (you are reading ours right now!) and that, right there, is…

iOS 5 Frequently Asked Questions

When Apple senior vice president Scott Forstall took the wraps off iOS 5 at the Worldwide Developers Conference keynote, he focused on ten of what he said were more than 200 new features in the next incarnation of Apple’s mobile operating system. But Forstall’s time was limited, and obviously he didn’t have a chance to…

Protect Your Data From the Breach Epidemic

Sony’s recent data breach got all the headlines, but such attacks aren’t rare. Here’s how to protect yourself and your data from them. IN 2011 ALONE, tens of millions of users have had personal information exposed or put at risk in some way by data breaches at Epsilon, RSA Security, the state of Texas, Ashampoo,…

Big Brother Is Watching

"If the Internet were your living room, there would be crowds of people peeking through the windows,” says Mark Ghuneim, CEO of New York digital marketing agency Wiredset, “and you would have unwittingly granted them permission to watch and record everything going on.” Among the Peeping Toms: George Orwell’s figurative Big Brother—the government—but also, potentially,…

Looking for the Perfect iPad Note-Taking App

When I got my iPad, I started looking for an app to replace my legal pad. Not only would I have it with me whenever I needed it, but it would provide me with a way to permanently store my notes and never fear losing them again. The built-in Notes app on the iPad provided…

Diary of an iPad Addict

I recently told a friend that there are only two kinds of people in the world: those who have an iPad and those who want one. His reply added a third category: those who don't know what they are for. This prompted me to describe a typical day with my iPad. I am a 66-year old…

I Hate Windows – I am Afraid of Linux

Below is an excerpt from an article on It was published way back 2002. First, a little background. I am a Windows user who has been using Windows since 3.1. I am not a programmer or a developer, I am a user. I process photos, use the internet, e-mail, write letters, play the ever…