4G Speeds In Nigeria – The Hype vs The Reality

Out of curiosity, I enabled the 4G radio on my Samsung Galaxy S3 phone for the first time since i got it and was taken aback when i noticed the 4G icon. Expecting it to be a ruse, i decided to give my download speed a test and was pleasantly surprised at what i saw.…

Airtel Nigeria completes LTE trial In Lagos?

News coming in suggests that Airtel Nigeria has successfully completed LTE trials in Lagos. Long Term Evolution (LTE), widely accepted as the true 4G, is a standard for wireless communication of high-speed data for mobile phones and data terminals. Download speed, under ideal conditions was 37 Megabits per Second (Mbps), while under non ideal conditions, was…

Cydia App Store – Recomended Apps

Recently, Apple updated the Operating System of its devices (iPod touch, iPad and iPhone) from IOS version 4.3.3 to 4.3.4, and 10 days later, to version 4.3.5. Funny thing is, not a few people have refused to upgrade from 4.3.3. The reason is simple. IOS 4 would only be available for a few more weeks,…