Windows Operating System And The Even-Year Jinx

I was and remain a committed fan of the Windows 8 Operating System. I found it very painful that the OS did not gain widespread acceptance as expected.

Microsoft’s attempt at forcing what they (and I) felt were features for an OS of the future was met with stiff resistance, which was expressed in its rather poor acceptance. A far cry from the success of its predecessor, the Windows 7.

I guess its true what they say, the customer is king. Moreso, the customer now has a lot more options to chose from now.

However, many had predicted doom for the Windows 8 OS long before it was even conceived. They call it the “Even Year” jinx. All Microsoft OS released in even years flopped! All, except Windows 98 – released 1998 & 1999 (2nd ed).

Roll Call: Windows 3.0 (1990), Windows 3.1 (1992), Windows Me (2000), Windows Vista (2006) and Windows 8 (2012).

PS: Windows 2000 was actually released in 1999.

Perhaps not to take chances, Microsoft is releasing the next iteration of its popular OS in 2015 – an odd number year. It has also listened to the complaints of its end users, incorporating the features they yearned, yes, especially the “Start Menu”.

I am presently taking the Preview Version of the new Windows 10 Operating System for a spin. Watch out for my review!

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