How To Move Your Blog To A New Hosting Company

lgSo you finally decided to move your WordPress blog or site to but you have no clue how to go about it. Or maybe you do but you find all this database thingy a bit tricky. And perhaps, that has been the only reason you have stayed on with your present hosting company even though their services sucks.

These scenarios sound familiar to anyone?

It is funny how easy the process of moving hosts is, no thanks to the “geeks” that paint the whole process as nigthmarish, using “geek speak” to describe processes that can be explained in simple (Nigerian) English!

The procedure may differ slightly depending on the control panel you are using. cPanel is probably one of the most common and the easiest to work with, however the underlying principles is the same with all control panels. At, we have migrated, successfully, websites from even open source control panels like Virtualmin and ISPConfig.

For this purpose, we would assume you are using cPanel.

Here goes …

  1. Subscribe for a hosting account with
  2. On subscription, a mail will be sent to you titled NEW ACCOUNT INFORMATION which will contain your server account details and the login information. Also contained in this mail are two important URLS in the form  http://174.122.148.***:2082/ (Temporary Control Panel URL) and  http://174.122.148.***/~rztiartt/ (Temporary Webpage URL)
  3. Log into your cPanel Using your Temporary Control Panel URL and use Fantastico or QuickInstall to install WordPress. Perform all necessary updates.
  4. Create a backup of your website and download to your PC. Do this by logging into your old cpanel – under FILES, click BACKUPS. Under Full backup, click “Download or Generate a Full Website Backup”. Save file to your Home Directory, then copy to your PC.
  5.  The backup file is usually in a compressed format. Use an application like WinZip or Winrar to extract the content to a folder on your PC. We will call this extracted folder “BACKUP” folder.
  6. In the BACKUP folder, look for a file with “BIZ_DIR” extension. It is usually the largest file. Change the extension of this file to “ZIP” and extract to a folder on your desktop.
  7. Navigate to the folder “public_html”.
  8. Select and Upload the entire WP-Content folder from your old host and overwrite same in the public_html folder of your account with your new host –
  9. Go into your new hosting control panel and find out how to get into phpmyadmin. Once you are in phpmyadmin click on your database name on the left.
  10. Click on the “Import” tab on the top of the screen.
  11. Under “File to Import”, browse to the BACKUP folder and look for a compressed file in the format domainname_mysql_domainname. Select it. This is your mysql backup. Click the “Go” button at the bottom of the page. With this, you have successfully imported the database from your old blog.
  12. Now go to your new blog using your Temporary Webpage URL and it should let you in it, then login with your username and password from your old blog and then your all set, your blog should work the same as if it was on your old host.
  13. From your domain registrar admin panel, change your nameservers to that of the new host: and

Migration of your blog is now completed. Easy ain’t it? This method guarantees NO downtime to your blog.

The tutorial above on moving your website to another host is probably the easiest approach you can ever get. However, if you still find it difficult wrapping your head around it,or you would rather not take the risk so that you don’t break something, please sign up for our premium support on It is going for a promotional 50% discount price of N15,000.00. We will take care of all your web hosting scary stuffs and much more! … “So, why don’t you host with us?”


  • Please do u have any office in lagos I want to learn how to convert my blogsite to a normal web site .com tks my number Is 08166117634

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